Thursday, September 10, 2015

Childhood Toys

Had a blast from the past today at Dollar Tree. It was one of those punching bopper bags. The kind that you filled with air and you punch it, then it bounces back upright. Totally worth the $1. It got me thinking about all the fun toys I had when I was a kid. Below are some of my favorites. What are yours?

We had video games too! Atari was the bomb back in the day. Nothing like watching little squares move around the TV screen.

The punching bag bopper. Hours of fun taking out your anger on this guy. 

The Ultimate! The Original Millennium Falcon. This was my prized possession. 

Godzilla! Complete with fire breathing, lever activated tongue and an eject-able fist. (The tail came off too and you could hide things in there. Not sure if this was by design. Bonus!)

Lego Space Set. One of the classics and a favorite.

The old Nerf football. We played football every day at lunch and then again after school.

Stretch Armstrong. Not much you could do with this toy, but everyone had to have one.  

Tobor (Robot spelled backward). State of the art technology. $13.99 was pretty pricey back then. 

Well, that's it. How about you?

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